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The Seven Plays of Aeschylus - ebook
Data wydania:
1 marca 2018
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The Seven Plays of Aeschylus - ebook
This file includes: AGAMEMNON, THE LIBATION-BEARERS, THE FURIES, THE SUPPLIANT MAIDENS, THE PERSIANS, THE SEVEN AGAINST THEBES, and THE PROMETHEUS BOUND; all translated by E.D.A. MORSHEAD. According to Wikipedia: "Aeschylus ( c. 525 BC/524 BC – c. 456 BC/455 BC) was an ancient Greek playwright. He is often recognized as the father of tragedy, and is the earliest of the three Greek tragedians whose plays survive, the others being Sophocles and Euripides. According to Aristotle, he expanded the number of characters in plays to allow for conflict among them; previously, characters interacted only with the chorus. Only seven of an estimated seventy to ninety plays by Aeschylus have survived into modern times; one of these plays, Prometheus Bound, is widely thought to be the work of a later author. At least one of Aeschylus' works was influenced by the Persian invasion of Greece, which took place during his lifetime. His play The Persians remains a good primary source of information about this period in Greek history. The war was so important to the Greeks and to Aeschylus himself that, upon his death around 456 BC, his epitaph commemorated his participation in the Greek victory at Marathon rather than to his success as a playwright."
Kategoria: | Drama |
Język: | Angielski |
Zabezpieczenie: |
ISBN: | 978-1-4553-9310-7 |
Rozmiar pliku: | 503 KB |
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