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The Sunken Island - ebook

Data wydania:
12 lipca 2022
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The Sunken Island - ebook

Welcome to the important and meaningful adventure novel of Francis Henry Atkins which is „The Sunken Island: or the Pirates of Atlantis”, appeared in 1904. Frank Atkins (1847-1927), who has written under several names, including Frank Aubrey and here as Fenton Ash. He was a British writer of „pulp fiction”, in particular science fiction aimed at younger readers, writing at least three Lost-World novels along with much else.

Kategoria: Suspense
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
Watermarkowanie polega na znakowaniu plików wewnątrz treści, dzięki czemu możliwe jest rozpoznanie unikatowej licencji transakcyjnej Użytkownika. E-książki zabezpieczone watermarkiem można odczytywać na wszystkich urządzeniach odtwarzających wybrany format (czytniki, tablety, smartfony). Nie ma również ograniczeń liczby licencji oraz istnieje możliwość swobodnego przenoszenia plików między urządzeniami. Pliki z watermarkiem są kompatybilne z popularnymi programami do odczytywania ebooków, jak np. Calibre oraz aplikacjami na urządzenia mobilne na takie platformy jak iOS oraz Android.
ISBN: 978-83-8292-541-8
Rozmiar pliku: 2,4 MB



THE FIRST CHAPTER. The Mysterious Craft—A Midnight Attack

THE SECOND CHAPTER. The Rescued Stranger Tells an Extraordinary Story

THE THIRD CHAPTER. Ships of Other Days—An Ambuscade

THE FOURTH CHAPTER. A Critical Situation— A Parley with the Enemy— Why the Boats Turned Back

THE FIFTH CHAPTER. "The Wolves of the Weed"—The Adventurers Witness a Strange Battle

THE SIXTH CHAPTER. The Mysterious Chief Promises His Aid

THE SEVENTH CHAPTER. The Great Temple Within the Mountain of Fire— A Monster in a Golden Cage—Peter Sees His Brother

THE EIGHTH CHAPTER. A Daring Adventure— Within the Gates—Discovered!

THE NINTH CHAPTER. How the Priests and People Were Disappointed of Their Sport, and the "Sacred Salamander" Lost a Good Meal

THE TENTH CHAPTER. In Underground Waters—A Fight with a Gigantic Eel—Back in the Yacht

THE ELEVENTH CHAPTER. Ray's Marine Monster—The Strange Story of Rulonda, the Rightful King of Atlantis

THE TWELFTH CHAPTER. A Naval Engagement—Beauty and the Beast—Novel Naval Tactics

THE THIRTEENTH CHAPTER. The Fleet Before Cashia—Caught in an Inundation—A Brush with the Enemy

THE FOURTEENTH CHAPTER. A Hard Fight—Peter and Dyossa—The City Surrenders

THE FIFTEENTH CHAPTER. Preparing for the Sacrifice

THE SIXTEENTH CHAPTER. The Last Tragedy in the Great Temple— The Channels Silting Up—Farewell to AtlantisTHE FIRST CHAPTER. The Mysterious Craft–A Midnight Attack.

“SO that is the far-famed Sargasso Sea–a small ocean of weed which, it is said, no mortal has ever yet traversed! Therefore no one knows, I suppose, what may be in the middle of it! How far does it extend, Captain Warren?”

“For hundreds and hundreds of square miles, Mr. Ray. You are right as to no man knowing what’s in the middle of it, for no boat has ever succeeded in getting more than a few hundred yards from its edge. And I’ve heard that those who made the venture were hard put to it to get back again, and had reason to fear at one time that they would stick there for good and slowly starve to death!”

Raymond Lonsdale shuddered.

“I wonder,” he said, “if any poor creatures have ever suffered such a horrible fate? Do you think it likely, captain? Why,” he went on, as he looked steadily through a pair of powerful marine- glasses, “I declare it seems to me I can discern something like the shapes of vessels–old bulks! Yes, surely I can see a lot! They seem to be dotted about as far as the eye can reach! What does that mean?”

“Oh, ay; that’s so, Mr. Ray. They’re just wrecks–abandoned ships–derelicts! I’ve heard that they all drift here sooner or later if they’re abandoned anywhere in the Atlantic and don’t sink; and in course o’ time they seem to get sucked further and further into the weed. And that’s been going on for hundreds–perhaps thousands–of years, so scientific folk say; and somebody has reckoned up that there must be old hulks enough tangled up in that weed to supply the world with firewood for a hundred years! A regular ship’s graveyard–that’s what it is! You can get a good view now, because just here one can venture to get closer to it than one can with safety at other points. There’s good anchorage here, though the fact isn’t generally known amongst navigators. But I’ve been here before, so I know.”

“I’ve heard,” Ray observed, “that there are old Spanish galleons there even at the present day; and I once read a story about a fellow who managed to board one, and got a lot of treasure out of her. I wonder if that yarn is true?”

“Rats! Don’t you believe any such tales as that, Mr. Ray! There are a good many yarns and legends floating about concerning this region. I’ve heard that some believe that if we could penetrate to the centre we should very likely find there an island–a part of the once great island of Atlantis!”

“Yes; I’ve heard something of the kind. I suppose, as you say, such ideas are merely fanciful yarns or legends, but recently–quite lately–other and newer stories have been put about which have an ugly sound. It is said that vessels have mysteriously disappeared in this neighbourhood and have never been heard of again. Have you heard anything of it?”

“Ay; I’ve heard some rubbish of the kind, but I don’t believe a word of it. I’ve been in these waters before, as I’ve said, and the only danger I know of is that if you’re not careful you may get your propeller tangled up with weed, and have the deuce and all of a bother to get it free again.”

And with that Captain Warren, a tanned, grizzled, tough old veteran of the sea, turned and went forward to interview one of the hands who had come under his displeasure; while the youth he had been talking to remained looking dreamily out over the miles and miles of desolate tangled weed which, in one direction, extended to the distant horizon. It interested him to scan the lonely, battered hulks slowly rotting in the midst of it, and speculate upon what their histories might have been.

He was a good-looking English lad, with broad shoulders and sturdy muscular limbs, which told of athletic training, and a sun-browned face and general gait which suggested experience of the sea, and of an outdoor life generally. And so it had been with Raymond Lonsdale. He had seen a good deal of knocking about the sea, having lived much of his time on board the “Kestrel”–the vessel he was then on–a steam yacht belonging to his father.

He had seen some lively adventures on board that boat, too, for his father had taken sides in some of the civil wars that break out with tolerable regularity amongst the restless South American States.

The present occasion, however, was the first on which Ray had been out in the yacht without his parent. Mr. Lonsdale, senior, had been called away inland, and had sent his son to sea partly on a pleasure cruise, and partly to keep the yacht, with her warlike stores and fittings, beyond the reach of prying eves.

They were to anchor that night at that particular spot in order to meet next day another boat which would probably bring them letters and instructions. When night fell, therefore, the vessel was riding easily at anchor in a calm sea, and a few hours later found her with all her crew asleep, save one man, left as watch on deck.

Save also Raymond. He could not sleep, and about midnight he went silently up on deck and seated himself in the shadow of an awning that was stretched across the deck. He crept up quietly, because he did not like the man who was on watch, and did not wish to be bothered by any observations or conversation with him. It was a hot, oppressive night down below, but on deck there was a little air, and a moon about half-full peeped down now and again between fleecy clouds, lighting up a scene that to Raymond seemed curiously weird and fascinating.

He could not help recalling some of the tales about the region that their captain had referred to in his talk. He let his thoughts run upon all sorts of fanciful ideas. He wondered if the lost island of Atlantis had really ever existed there, and, if so, what curious outlandish sort of vessels their ancient ships would have been. Then his thoughts wandered to the old Spanish galleons which undoubtedly used to sail those seas, and many of which, ’twas said, were still to be found, if one could only get at them, rotting slowly, jealously kept from sinking by the tenacious grip of the slimy masses of interlacing weed.

In his fanciful imaginings, he could almost believe yonder dark shadow to be an ancient galley or state barge. Eh! What–what was that dark shadow creeping towards the yacht so stealthily, so silently?

Ray rubbed his eyes and looked again. The moon had become veiled by some thick clouds, and everything around had grown dim and shadowy.

But Ray’s mind worked rapidly. Something was certainly approaching the yacht in a silent, suspicious manner. What did it mean? And the watch? Why had he made no sign of having seen it? Was he asleep?

Ray’s mind was quickly made up. There might be nothing in it; but he was not going to give a chance to a possible enemy to catch them napping.

As silently as he had crept on deck he now stole back again, and quietly woke Captain Warren and told him the position.

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