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Urban resilience concept and post-industrial cities in Europe - ebook

Data wydania:
2 lutego 2015
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Urban resilience concept and post-industrial cities in Europe - ebook

University of Economics in Katowice

Urban resilience concept and post-industrial cities in Europe
Ed. by Adam Drobniak

Katowice, 2014

Spis treści

Introduction (7)


Chapter I. Urban resilience and post-industrial city - Adam Drobniak (15)

  • 1. Resilience, urban resilience, urban economic resilience (15)
  • 2. Urban economic resilience - research approaches (18)
  • 3. Urban resilience - research perspectives and the adaptive cycle model (20)
  • 4. Shocks, disruptions and types of cities within the resilience concept (22)
  • 5. Urban resilience and post-industrial city transition (24)

Chapter II. Factors determining a city's development dynamics - Adam Drobniak (29)

  • 1. External factors in the context of challenges for post-industrial cities (29)
    • 1.1. Challenges and external factors in the functional approach (30)
    • 1.2. Challenges and external factors in the horizontal approach (33)
  • 2. Internal factors determining resilience and vulnerability in the context of urban structures (35)
    • 2.1. Factors in urban economic-technological structures (35)
    • 2.2. Factors in urban socio-cultural structures (37)
    • 2.3. Factors in urban environmental-spatial structures (39)
    • 2.4. Factors in urban institutional-political structures (41)
  • 3. Interactions between a city's resilience and vulnerability factors and external factors (43)

Chapter III. Method for assessing the resilience of a city - Adam Drobniak (49)

  • 1. General method assumptions - the city as a complex system (49)
  • 2. Procedure for assessing the resilience of a city (51)
    • 2.1. Stage I. External factors determining a city development dynamics (51)
    • 2.2. Stage II. Identifying the factors of a city's resilience and vulnerability according to general attributes of resilience (52)
    • 2.3. Stage III. Dynamics of city structures in economic-technological, socio-cultural, environmental-spatial and institutional-political dimensions (59)
    • 2.4. Stage IV. Linkages among a city's structures dynamics (70)
    • 2.5. Stage V. Interactions among internal factors of city resilience and vulnerability, and external factors determining its development dynamics (70)
    • 2.6. Stage VI. Assessment of a city's resilience degree along with resilience trajectories (72)
    • 2.7. Stage VII. Recommendations - principles of creating a resilient city (75)
  • 3. Further remarks for the method application (75)
    • Annex. Using the AHP method to define weights (79)


Chapter IV. The resilience of Katowice and Bytom, Poland (83)

  • 1. Resilience in economic-technological structures of Katowice and Bytom - Marcin Baron (83)
    • 1.1. Methodological and theoretical remarks (83)
    • 1.2. External factors determining the development dynamics of Katowice and Bytom (84)
    • 1.3. Factors of Katowice and Bytom resilience and vulnerability according to the general attributes of resilience (91)
    • 1.4. Dynamics of Katowice and Bytom structures in the economic-technological dimension (92)
    • 1.5. Assessment of the degree of resilience for Katowice and Bytom along with their resilience trajectories (99)
    • 1.6. Recommendations for Katowice and Bytom in strengthening resilience within economic-technological structures (100)
  • 2. Resilience in the socio-cultural structures of Katowice and Bytom - Małgorzata Czornik, Małgorzata Twardzik (103)
    • 2.1. Methodological and theoretical remarks (103)
    • 2.2. External factors determining the development dynamics of Katowice and Bytom (104)
    • 2.3. Factors of Katowice and Bytom resilience and vulnerability according to the general attributes of resilience (107)
    • 2.4. Dynamics of Katowice and Bytom structures in the socio-cultural dimension (110)
    • 2.5. Assessment of the resilience degree of Katowice and Bytom, along with resilience trajectories (120)
    • 2.6. Recommendations for Katowice and Bytom in strengthening resilience within socio-cultural structures (121)
    • Annex. Values of indexes of resilience and vulnerability for Bytom and Katowice - socio-cultural dimension (124)
  • 3. Resilience in the environmental-spatial structures of Katowice and Bytom - Piotr Gibas, Adam Polko (126)
    • 3.1. Methodological and theoretical remarks (126)
    • 3.2. External factors determining development dynamics of Katowice and Bytom (126)
    • 3.3. Factors of Katowice and Bytom resilience and vulnerability according to the general attributes of resilience (128)
    • 3.4. Dynamics of Katowice and Bytom structures in the environmental-spatial dimension (131)
    • 3.5. Assessment of the degree of Katowice and Bytom along with their resilience trajectories (136)
    • 3.6. Recommendations for Katowice and Bytom in strengthening resilience within environmental-spatial structures (138)
    • Annex 1. Values of combined indexes of resilience and vulnerability for Bytom and Katowice - environmental-spatial dimension (140)
    • Annex 2. Values of combined indexes of resilience and vulnerability for Bytom and Katowice - weighted approach - environmental-spatial dimension (142)
  • 4. The Resilience in the institutional-political structures of Katowice and Bytom - Adam Drobniak, Lucjan Goczoł, Mateusz Skowroński (143)
    • 4.1. Methodological and theoretical remarks (143)
    • 4.2. External factors determining the development dynamics of Katowice and Bytom (143)
    • 4.3. Factors of Katowice and Bytom resilience and vulnerability according to general attributes of resilience (146)
    • 4.4. Dynamics of Katowice and Bytom structures in the institutional-political dimension (154)
    • 4.5. Assessment of Katowice's and Bytom's resilience degree along with their resilience trajectories (159)
    • 4.6. Recommendations for Katowice and Bytom in strengthening resilience within institutional-political structures (160)
    • Annex. Values of indexes of resilience and vulnerability for Bytom and Katowice - institutional-political dimension (164)
  • 5. Linkages and interaction among development dynamics in Katowice and Bytom - Adam Drobniak, Lucjan Goczoł, Mateusz Skowroński (166)
    • 5.1. Linkages among urban structures dynamics in Bytom and Katowice (166)
    • 5.2. Interactions among internal factors of Bytom and Katowice resilience and vulnerability, and external factors determining their development (168)

Chapter V. The resilience of Ostrava and Karviná, Czech Republic - Jan Sucháček (175)

  • 1. Methodological and theoretical remarks and some general characteristics of Ostrava and Karviná (175)
  • 2. Important challenges and external factors determining development dynamics of Ostrava and Karviná (176)
  • 3. Factors of Ostrava and Karviná resilience and vulnerability according to the general attributes of resilience (178)
  • 4. Dynamics of Ostrava and Karviná structures in economic-technological, socio-cultural, environmental-spatial, institutional-political dimension (189)
  • 5. Linkages among urban structures dynamics in Ostrava and Karviná (203)
  • 6. Interactions among internal factors of Ostrava and Karviná resilience and vulnerability, and external factors determining their development (205)
  • 7. Assessment of Ostrava and Karviná resilience degree along with their resilience trajectories (208)
  • 8. Recommendations for Ostrava and Karviná in strengthening resilience (212)
    • Annex. Values of Ostrava's and Karviná's resilience and vulnerability indexes (214)

Chapter VI. The resilience of Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen, Germany - Rüdiger Wink (221)

  • 1. Introduction remarks (221)
  • 2. External factors determining development dynamics of Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen (223)
  • 3. Factors of Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen resilience and vulnerability according to the general attributes of resilience (233)
  • 4. Dynamics of Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen structures in economic-technological, socio-cultural, environmental-spatial, institutional-political dimension (241)
  • 5. Linkages, interactions among urban structures dynamics in Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen and external factors determining their development (246)
  • 6. Assessment of Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen resilience along with recommendations attempts for strengthening their resilience (247)
    • Annex. Statistical data for Dortmund and Gelsenkirchen (252)

Chapter VII. The resilience of Glasgow and Newcastle, United Kingdom - Martin Ferry (255)

  • 1. Introduction remarks (255)
  • 2. Challenges and external factors determining development dynamics of Glasgow and Newcastle (257)
  • 3. Factors enhancing resilience of Glasgow and Newcastle according to the general attributes of resilience along with their dynamics (263)
    • 3.1. Economic-technological structures (263)
    • 3.2. Socio-cultural structures (276)
    • 3.3. Environmental-spatial structures (284)
    • 3.4. Institutional-spatial structures (289)
  • 4. Linkages and interactions among urban structures dynamics in Glasgow (294)
  • 5. Assessment of Glasgow resilience degree along with their resilience trajectories (295)
  • 6. Recommendations for Glasgow and Newcastle in strengthening resilience within economic-technological structures (296)

Conclusions to applying the resilience concept in post-industrial cities and the assessment method (299)

Information about the authors (303)

List of figures (305)

List of tables (309)

Kategoria: Ekonomia
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
Watermarkowanie polega na znakowaniu plików wewnątrz treści, dzięki czemu możliwe jest rozpoznanie unikatowej licencji transakcyjnej Użytkownika. E-książki zabezpieczone watermarkiem można odczytywać na wszystkich urządzeniach odtwarzających wybrany format (czytniki, tablety, smartfony). Nie ma również ograniczeń liczby licencji oraz istnieje możliwość swobodnego przenoszenia plików między urządzeniami. Pliki z watermarkiem są kompatybilne z popularnymi programami do odczytywania ebooków, jak np. Calibre oraz aplikacjami na urządzenia mobilne na takie platformy jak iOS oraz Android.
ISBN: 978-83-283-0738-4
Rozmiar pliku: 8,6 MB

