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Volleyball Coaching Bible, Volume II [DRM] - ebook

Data wydania:
1 czerwca 2015
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Volleyball Coaching Bible, Volume II [DRM] - ebook

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Building on the success of the first volume of The Volleyball Coaching Bible, the American Volleyball Coaches Association (AVCA) brings you The Volleyball Coaching Bible, Volume II. Featuring contributions from 20 of the top volleyball minds in the game today, this resource will help you build your program, shape and improve your team, and sharpen your coaching skills in key areas such as these: Building and managing your program Developing players skills by position Establishing and implementing match strategy Training and conditioning athletes Offensive tactics Scouting and analyzing opponents Evaluating statistics and using them to your advantage Planning practices The Volleyball Coaching Bible, Volume II presents the drills top coaches use for developing players at each position and offers insights on in-game strategies for various match situations, including strategic serving, defensive schemes, and on-the-go decision making. In addition to on-court Xs and Os, youll learn what it takes to establish a successful high school, college, and beach volleyball program. Setting program expectations and tactics, building a positive and winning culture, recruiting the right way, and running camps are all keys to sustained program success shared in The Volleyball Coaching Bible, Volume II. Endorsed by the AVCA and edited by volleyball coaching legend Cecile Reynaud, The Volleyball Coaching Bible, Volume II covers the entire court in describing and coaching the nuances of the game and shaping a successful program. Its a practical and motivational resource that youll refer to season after season in your coaching career.
Kategoria: Sports & Recreations
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: brak
ISBN: 978-1-4925-8527-5
Rozmiar pliku: 8,8 MB

