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When Your Mom Has Borderline Personality Disorder - ebook

Data wydania:
29 kwietnia 2021
Format ebooka:
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When Your Mom Has Borderline Personality Disorder - ebook

This book was written for young kids who presently have to live with a mother who does not seem to understand them. It shows them various tips, tricks, and ways of handling various situations.
It is also written for adults who grew up in homes where they suffered various forms of abuse from their mothers while growing up. This book will help them to release those pent-up tensed moments and safely begin to recover from the anxiety they may have suffered as a result of their upbringing. It helps the readers learn various ways of not accepting that they are to blame for the situation and provides guidance on how not to descend into a victims’ mentally so that they do not also unconsciously make their kids go through the same experience as they did.
Children raised by mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder (BDP) miss out on the healthy, steady, and loving relationship children with regular moms have with their moms.

While it is true that there are many reasons while a child may have an unhealthy relationship with her mother, one possible explanation could also be, you were living with a mother that had borderline personality disorder.
Adults who grow up with BPD mothers have great difficulty sustaining stable relationships. It's hard, really hard to live with a mom with BPD, because this personality disorder is known for its rigid pattern of unhealthy and abnormal thought patterns and behaviors, and is characterized by chronic instability in mood, behavior, relationships, and self-image.
This book was written for young kids who presently have to live with a mother who does not seem to understand them. It shows them various tips, tricks, and ways of handling various situations.
It is also written for adults who grew up in homes where they suffered various forms of abuse from their mothers while growing up. This book will help them to release those pent-up tensed moments and safely begin to recover from the anxiety they may have suffered as a result of their upbringing. It helps the readers learn various ways of not accepting that they are to blame for the situation and provides guidance on how not to descend into a victims’ mentally so that they do not also unconsciously make their kids go through the same experience as they did.
Children raised by mothers with Borderline Personality Disorder (BDP) miss out on the healthy, steady, and loving relationship children with regular moms have with their moms. They develop a wide range of emotional problems that make it difficult for them to overcome their dysfunctional upbringing.
These children may struggle with low self-esteem, anger, or depression and find out that they have difficulty getting along with their mothers. If you are one of those kids and have been wondering what could have happened, what went wrong, and if you are to blame in all of these, then, this book is for you.

This book shows how heartbreaking the experience of a child with borderline personality disorder can be. The instability, emotional volatility, self-injury, and suicide attempts can be very draining and devastating for the emotions of the child and leave them feeling lost, helpless, and alone. They find that they practically have to live their life walking cautiously, scheming to avoid what’s the next inevitable rage and never able to predict what will be the next trigger.
This book will talk about all of that and help you recognize that you are not to blame for your mother’s behavior, it will aid you toward healing some of your wounds.

Kategoria: Family & Relationships
Język: Angielski
Zabezpieczenie: Watermark
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ISBN: 978-88-354-2331-7
Rozmiar pliku: 199 KB

